We are starting a series in June - “Being Diligent Women” on Thursdays.
I began to study the word diligent and the meaning. Here are a few synonyms - be careful, be intent, be constant, be busy and be active. In God’s Kingdom there is no one lazy or casual, either we are cold or hot! It’s time more now than ever to be busy with the Father’s business!
Mark 16:15 – “Go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature”.
It’s time to put ourselves aside and do for Jesus because he has done so much for us. We have been given so much. What are we doing with our gifts and our talents? It’s time to be busy, it’s time to be active and it’s time to be attentive!
A couple of months ago, I did a blog on Give It Your Best Shot! Now is the time! Don’t look back saying I did this, I did that or I use too. No, it’s Now! What are you doing, Now! You are here for today. You got what the body of Christ needs and the Lord needs! There’s no lazyboy chairs in heaven. No time to recline and take a seat and be casual!
It’s time to be active!